How to Access Webmail

To access Webmail:
  1. Type: https://IP:2096 into your preferred Internet browser.
  • IP is meant to stand for your website’s IP address.
  • Approximately one week after setting up your website, you will be able to access your cPanel interface by replacing the IP address with your domain name.
  1. Enter your email address into the Username field. This should include the domain name. (e.g.
  2. Enter your password into the Password field.
  3. Click Log in.

You can also access Webmail through Cpanel. To access this feature:

Scroll down your main cPanel page to the section called Mail, and click on the icon that says Email Accounts. This will open the main Email Accounts page.

  1. Click the More button corresponding to the appropriate email account.
  2. Select the Access Webmail option from the resulting menu.
  3. Enter the password in the appropriate field.
  4. Click the Log in button.

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